ARTICLES bY: FTR (Free Traveling Ron) Originally posted / Oct 2023

A REPOST (from about a year ago – Originally posted on Facebook)

TRAGIC 1 year or so anniversary of Hamas Attaches on Israel & Israel retaliation. I tried to observe or follow the story somewhat at the time for anyone who may wish to read or view. Thank you very much. (I’m) Still feeling paralyzed.

Originally posted Oct 17 2023

(Not a lot philisophcally seems to have changed?)

Can view “relevant’ comments or “all” comments / May need to view on a desk or laptop to view all comments / Thank you



Initial reactions to MEDIA coverage of the time..

Originally posted in regards to Hamas attachs on Israel (Oct 7 2023)

Several other follow-up comments / articles / video etc in below / or SUB comments.

The Un-doing of Palestine
(The Undoing of Israel)
(Follow up – General comments / little by little as story unfolds /& to initial reactions to MEDIA coverage of the time) FtR
It seems entirely misleading to say may the best man win.
With a better understanding comes a better analysis
Notes: retaliation vs retaliation vs retaliation vs retaliation vs..
Are there any winners? Some may respond: Only in the LIE maybe.
However there are always more than one side of a story..
(Other possibly relevant thoughts below)
Other notes / or thoughts: to leave one hanging? But again.. who is “the best man” The accurate answer i think would always involve the one (or the man) that recognizes the error of his ways and then try or act to change them.. Thanks to the phenomena of “change” it is possible to do this it seems.. as errors are a part of life and they don’t belong to anyone in particular I don’t think.. that is to say they belong to all of us.
The only thing or problem is then of course would be recognizing them .. hmm..
I realize I sometimes rush to judgment with my posts or comments and not always knowing the full story perhaps (probably not good)
But nevertheless, there is such a common thing or knowledge or understanding > as:
& then maybe back again to LOGIC?
Retaliation vs retaliation vs retaliation vs retaliation (Logical?) on any scale(?) but particularly to this (devastating) situation.
What is our job as people / is it not just to CARRY ON from day to day? (We are ALLhere / what else? / we live!? / we die!? We carry on?)
You can argue with a lot of things but you can’t argue with LOGIC.. You’ll always come up the LOSER it seems.. But what is LOGIC?
As we carry on from day to day we all without a doubt have a certain amount of passion.. We can’t help it.. but sometimes we turn that passion (or RAGE as the current president put it it seems) into negative action. Different levels of passion may perhaps equal different levels of action / & consequently.. it turns potentially into a for lack perhaps of a better term: Catch-22 U cant really win.. in any REAL way when circumstances are as such (endless retaliation)
So again.. What is Logic / As time passes, & minds evolve we come to see that truly the only logic.. ie / or all the answers/solutions etc would be.. or could be / contained in one very brieflogical sentence taught (us) via New Testament Scripture.
I realize that SCRIPTURE just “clicks” with some.. & just doesn’t with others.. but there is one sentence that is so entirely LOGICAL.. that it would be very hard to write off / or dispel / etc it.
NO! NOT! the little humorous anecdote (I recall at one time) which states: Do “IT” unto others before they do “IT” unto you..
which although may have been (or even be) a little humorous.. it’s not humorous when people really try to live this way.. or it becomes so ingrained in the mind (to live this way) that one can’t see how truly and pitifully ILLogical (iLL) that thisline of thought really is / and forgets that what is true LOGIC!
Do unto OTHERS / as you would have them do unto YOU! ie: The GOLD rule versus the COLD rule perhaps it could be put. IE: LOGIC vs ILLogic
When you think about it / & really compare.. & then simply put it into its accurate perspective.. U have LOGIC.
Even though we know that these two perhaps phenomena: (Logic vs ILLogic / “Do unto others” VS “Do “IT” unto others”)
will probably always exist side by side in this lifetime? as it did in lifetimes before us..
AND.. AS as I think we are told somewhat via Biblical Scripture (Biblical Scripture being a major reference in most religions worldwide i think)
we also have something called: When you realize the error of your ways you must change.. so we must keep trying to make what we feel one way or the other I suppose as the error of our ways and change accordingly.. BUT with the (evolving or eventual) understanding that TRUE LOGIC comes within the GOLDEN RULE.. and this would in fact rule out any other philosophy contrary! because we OF NECESSITY DO / and MUST INTERACT it seems.
How can one just keep banging their hand with the hammer? Even if you like pain the whole notion seems self destrutive /
Give way to the passions.. question their valiancy and validity.. ESP when it has reached the level of the killing of people period.. much less the innocent so to speak (including BABIES & CHILDREN)
Really put it into perspective..
Nothing could be more LOGICAL and anything else would be quite baseless it seems / aside from the LIE
Hate can only breed hate anywhere across the world it would seem.. LORD.. don’t give us revolution ..give us Revelation (ALL of us?)
In my opinion though.. it’s all designed to reach a place.. I would be willing to risk it and say many (or most) are heading in the right direction.. some may never get there perhaps.. The only CHOSEN (people) are those that live by that Golden Rule.. It certainly would seem this way esp from this current place and time / POV etc in evolution we’ve reached so far.. but then again.. We have known about this (The Golden Rule) for a very long time. As a friend said I just noticed a just a little earlier today: Stay in Prayer! My thoughts too.. who knows exactly why it



Palestine Body Bags / Hospital in Gaza City


FTR / Observation

What does Do Unto Others look like

Follow up to above post

Would we not? want someone to try to make it better (even if they have to bend over backwards) to make it better for US? Ourselves.. within our own personal lives.. if it was in THEIR power to do so?

(whatever “it” is)

So simply put perhaps: Do unto others etc

To do unto others it seems should be the norm without intimidation.. Possibly just a smile and kind words in general / esp since we know life is not that easy for everyone.. it should always be “incorporated” into general society as a norm / & be the norm?

ALL INCLUSIVE MINDED – What else.. The only combantant to THE LIE possibly would seem some type of TRUTH..

For those that are desensitized this would be the equvilant of LOVE / Gotta get the ball rolling (just a feeling) & Why not..

(@ What does “Do Unto Others” look like possibly)


Below: Some may say this (VID) or interview brings it much closer to home / RE: Onset & Ongoing Israel bombings (From Oct 2023)